Tuesday, August 25, 2009

View from the uphill =)

Assalamualaikum dan saLam RamaDhan. =)

Alhamdulillah, akhirnye di tengah2 kesempitan waktu di KTT ni, sempat juga ana menyelit menulis sesuatu di blog yg dah lamer ana x jengah ni..
sorry ye biela n zai.., hehe yela, sibuk la katakan..
wah, x sangka dah hampir 2 bulan berada di KTT ni..
Belajar totally different dgn Skul menengah dulu..
semua bergantung dgn usaha sendiri..
kalu kat skul dulu guru2 yg penyabar n penyayang sentiasa ader di sisi..
memberi pelbagai latihan n notes,,.
kat sini??em,.. aderlah lecturer bg notes, but latihan?
sendiri punyer kesedaran la..
kalau nak fly , kenelah buat,.
kalau x nak fly, x yah buat.. huahua
sedey betoi dgn result midsem baru ni..
ni kene buat sesuatu ni!!
wish me all the best!!

biela n zaima,..
rindunyer kat korang!!
biler la kiter boleh jumpa kan??
tempat blaja kiter dah agak dekat, tp disebabkan masa yg mencemburui kita,.. hehe
masih lagi x berkesempatan nak bertemu kan??
rumah kiter kat terengganu dah dekat, tp ana x dpt balik2 lagi setakat ni..
raya ni pun x tahulah boleh jumpa ke x kan??
InsyaAllah, someday we will meet kan!! =)

walaupun KTT ni tempatnyer terpencil,,..
but i LOVE it..
betul la kata pepatah x kenal maka x cinta..
sbb KTT ni kalu tgk dari jauh, mcm x best je..
tp biler dah kenal.. uish, mcm x nak berpisah je ..
huahua, (ikhlas x ni??, huhu)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

sharing is caring

dengan nama ALLAh yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang..
assalamualaikum wbt..

sekadar perkongsian bersama... hayatinya..telusuri setiap bait yang terkandung...coz this history glimpse is ours..a long tyme ago.. WE=WORLD ORDER..we lead the world, we were at the peak..but then..once we over the top..we became arrogant..n fall..completely 'beneath' the ground...-ve..top 2 bottom..then, what 2 do..is it jus seeing it..without doing nothing... WAKE UP everbody...together we hold the responsibilities..step in line..re-establish the EMPIRE OF FAITH..thanks 2 senior 4 revealing such inspiring video..

yang ke-2


sorry for not arrange it in correct order..=)
p/s..yg 1st 2 mute kut..the 'co-founder' of the vid. said..there's an error while uploading the vid..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

biela & kmb

salam..buat ana, zaima n kwn2 yg biela rindu...

mane korang sumer..lame menyepi..zai..why dont u post any entry, even 1..miss u all guys..da sbulan lebiy kut biela kat kmb..n i meet +1 whom her behavior is the combination between zai's n ana's..we completed each other..be wif her..remind me on both of you guys..she cheers up my day..juz like you exhilarated mine long tyme ago...korang caner ek kat sane?? biela alhamdulillah..sihat selalu..epy sokmo..kmb, juz like our old tesmal...ade usrah cam ust. zul wat..even more than that..start klaz pun kul 8..sampai kul 2.20..the duration remains the same..juz the recess hour + 10 min..=)..since quite long tyme kiter tak jumpe..credit this picca 2 both of you..on behalf of me..to say i miss u so much..abaikan mat sleh kat blakang tu ye.. xsporting langsung kut...cup..n abaikan muke yang serabai ini...so exhausted after an hour worrying on how to go to klia...owh..yup lpe nak kasi taw..biela cuti skrg...coz kmb tutup..y??..H1N1 spread rampantly that our 11 of our student= +H1N1..if im not mistaken...we gotta go home...the advertisment being advertised late in eve..no transport..so lucky that 'stumbled upon' kmb staff n ended up wif he sent me n lia to klia...will back to kmb this becoming sunday...meaning to say that this blog gonna sepi again from new entry...sorry ye blog..
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