Tuesday, August 25, 2009

View from the uphill =)

Assalamualaikum dan saLam RamaDhan. =)

Alhamdulillah, akhirnye di tengah2 kesempitan waktu di KTT ni, sempat juga ana menyelit menulis sesuatu di blog yg dah lamer ana x jengah ni..
sorry ye biela n zai.., hehe yela, sibuk la katakan..
wah, x sangka dah hampir 2 bulan berada di KTT ni..
Belajar totally different dgn Skul menengah dulu..
semua bergantung dgn usaha sendiri..
kalu kat skul dulu guru2 yg penyabar n penyayang sentiasa ader di sisi..
memberi pelbagai latihan n notes,,.
kat sini??em,.. aderlah lecturer bg notes, but latihan?
sendiri punyer kesedaran la..
kalau nak fly , kenelah buat,.
kalau x nak fly, x yah buat.. huahua
sedey betoi dgn result midsem baru ni..
ni kene buat sesuatu ni!!
wish me all the best!!

biela n zaima,..
rindunyer kat korang!!
biler la kiter boleh jumpa kan??
tempat blaja kiter dah agak dekat, tp disebabkan masa yg mencemburui kita,.. hehe
masih lagi x berkesempatan nak bertemu kan??
rumah kiter kat terengganu dah dekat, tp ana x dpt balik2 lagi setakat ni..
raya ni pun x tahulah boleh jumpa ke x kan??
InsyaAllah, someday we will meet kan!! =)

walaupun KTT ni tempatnyer terpencil,,..
but i LOVE it..
betul la kata pepatah x kenal maka x cinta..
sbb KTT ni kalu tgk dari jauh, mcm x best je..
tp biler dah kenal.. uish, mcm x nak berpisah je ..
huahua, (ikhlas x ni??, huhu)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

sharing is caring

dengan nama ALLAh yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang..
assalamualaikum wbt..

sekadar perkongsian bersama... hayatinya..telusuri setiap bait yang terkandung...coz this history glimpse is ours..a long tyme ago.. WE=WORLD ORDER..we lead the world, we were at the peak..but then..once we over the top..we became arrogant..n fall..completely 'beneath' the ground...-ve..top 2 bottom..then, what 2 do..is it jus seeing it..without doing nothing... WAKE UP everbody...together we hold the responsibilities..step in line..re-establish the EMPIRE OF FAITH..thanks 2 senior 4 revealing such inspiring video..

yang ke-2


sorry for not arrange it in correct order..=)
p/s..yg 1st 2 mute kut..the 'co-founder' of the vid. said..there's an error while uploading the vid..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

biela & kmb

salam..buat ana, zaima n kwn2 yg biela rindu...

mane korang sumer..lame menyepi..zai..why dont u post any entry, even 1..miss u all guys..da sbulan lebiy kut biela kat kmb..n i meet +1 whom her behavior is the combination between zai's n ana's..we completed each other..be wif her..remind me on both of you guys..she cheers up my day..juz like you exhilarated mine long tyme ago...korang caner ek kat sane?? biela alhamdulillah..sihat selalu..epy sokmo..kmb, juz like our old tesmal...ade usrah cam ust. zul wat..even more than that..start klaz pun kul 8..sampai kul 2.20..the duration remains the same..juz the recess hour + 10 min..=)..since quite long tyme kiter tak jumpe..credit this picca 2 both of you..on behalf of me..to say i miss u so much..abaikan mat sleh kat blakang tu ye.. xsporting langsung kut...cup..n abaikan muke yang serabai ini...so exhausted after an hour worrying on how to go to klia...owh..yup lpe nak kasi taw..biela cuti skrg...coz kmb tutup..y??..H1N1 spread rampantly that our 11 of our student= +H1N1..if im not mistaken...we gotta go home...the advertisment being advertised late in eve..no transport..so lucky that 'stumbled upon' kmb staff n ended up wif he sent me n lia to klia...will back to kmb this becoming sunday...meaning to say that this blog gonna sepi again from new entry...sorry ye blog..

Monday, June 1, 2009

ukhuwah fillah

would like to dedicate juz simple words...to my fellow fren[z] who alwis be beside me to go through this life...lend their shoulder 4 me to rely on...hold me when i feel almost give up..being my ethernal spirit...give their hand when in need...
[f]...sory for alwis hurting u...wif my unseen, rude behaviour..[which u was touching with it]..i luf u, and can't effort to loose u... i do really miss ur jokes...lesson sesion with u...u, every single thing yang kite dapat..without our realization..they are our responsibilities...toward oursef, family, unlucky person...other muslims and our Proud, islam...ana, ur strict[ness]..de ke word nie..nop sure hantam saja la labu..enough to make me impress wif u..u had taught me a lot..thankz 4 being good companion..unreplaceable by any others..
[z]....when ur name cross my mind..it's enough o make me smile...ur childish behaviour [seldom]..cheerish our moment together...ur kindness, do touch us...thankz 4 spending ur tyme n lend ur ears, listening to my tales..[especially bout kotak]...z..wut ever it is..ill be there 4 u..jus kol[ing] me k..hehehehe..kidding..

miss u damn much...till no 1 can count my miss'ing' level...study leklok k...do keep i touch..klu ade biela wat salah ngan korang...sory sesgt...do keep every single of our memories deep down inside your[s] heart..jgn lupe tau biela..syang korang sumer..neway, thankz ana 4 posting the entry bout ur critical orientasi slot..z..where hane u been..long tyme no c u..even heard bout u..

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Alhamdulillah, setelah seminggu di CFS UIA di PJ ini, ana dapat luangkan sedikit masa untuk menulis di blog milik znf sdn bhd ini...(terpaksalah aku mengeluarkan belanja utk ke CC ini, huhu)
Sebelum menaip lebih panjang biarlah ana mengenalkan diri ana.. 2 orang lagi?? Just wait n see biler diorg post about themselves, hehe..

Nama penuh biarlah rahsia, cukuplah antum semua mengenali ana dengan panggilan ana sahaja,. lahir pada tahun 1991, that's mean i'm 18 this year, however my behaviour does not show my age.. huhu ( aper punyer ayat da~) . I'm the third one of my 4 siblings, n I have a sister, a brother and a younger brother.. my last school is in Kemaman, Terengganu, the school that is situated in jungle, but i love to be there because it is very cool and fresh ( nyaman-haha, sorry my english is really bad compared to N, huhu).. sekarang sedang belajar di CFS UIA ~ hah, nak tahu aper tu CFS,.. teruskan membaca..


let's me tell u about what i'm doing right now..

Alhamdulillah setelah memperolehi keputusan yg ok dlm spm, ana telah 'apply' jpa oversea kos medic.. namun apa kan daya, mungkin ader hikmah di sebalik semua yg terjadi, ana cuma dapat ipts dalam negara.. sebelum kuar result jpa, ana sudahpun mengetahui keputusan UPU dan alhamdullah ana dapat UIA asasi farmasi.. Jadi sudah alang2 dapat ipts dalam negara dan surat jpa x sampai2 lagi sehingga sekarang, ana telah memilih untuk ke UIA.. ops, berhenti sekejap,..

CFS itu adalah- Centre for foundation studies (pusat asasi)

ok2, let's continue...
hari pendaftaran bermula pada 23 mei-24 mei mengikut kos2 masing.. kemudian bermulalah Ta'aruf week ( minggu orientasi org panggil kalu kat sekolah dulu) selama seminggu di CFS ini,, bermula dengan English Placement Test (EPT) dan Arab Placement Test (APT) yang agak sukar utk dihadapi, huhuhu.. Test ni amat penting sebab keputusannya akan menentukan berapa lama seseorang itu akan belajar di CFS ini (hehe, tu yg dup dap dup dap berdebar ni) sama ada 1 tahun, 1 1/2 tahun ataupun 2 tahun.. kemudian, bermulalah sesi briefing segala department di CFS ini,.

terlupa pulak, pada hari isnin dan selasa, semua pelajar diberi peluang utk CHANGE OFFER dengan mengambil borang di A&R office.. tapi bukan semua application berjaya kerana permohonan ditimbang melalui kuota sesuatu kos dan yg penting keputusan SPM seseorang itu.. ana tukar atau x??

em, at the first time i'm thinking about it (siap ambil borang dan dah sign pun borang tersebut) ...
however last minute, x jadi tukar pulak.. Kenapa?? oh, tu kene tanyer sendiri la ana , x nak terangkan di sini... hehehe

ok2, dah cukup panjang cerita ni, nak cerita pasal mahallah pulak.. ana tinggal di ZC mahalah dan dapat 'roommate' yg kamcing.. sorang budak kelantan, sorang lagi budak kedah, tp tinggal di sekitar sini je... sepatutnya 4 orang satu bilik tapi kiteorng hanye bertiga, seorang lagi sudah berpindah ke nilai sebab dier amik kos ekonomi... sekejap je boleh berkenalan ngan dier.. sedih jugakla..........

dah2 masa dah cukup,. i's time to leave this CC.. huhu, next time sambung lagi, aper yg ana kene belajar kat sini, mengenai pensyarah di sini, kawan2 satu kos (dah ramai yg ana kenal), and so on...
ok, da

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tutup Aurat Yg Sebenarnya (^-^)

terlalu kecil??
klik pd gambar di atas utk mendapatkan gambar yg lebih besar dan jelas,.
Semoga anda dirahmati dan dikurniakan hidayah oleh Allah S.W.T.!!.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

special thankz

today, we_znf would like to take an opportunity to wish a veri hepy teacher's day to all of our teacher [including primary year and pre-school]..too long to list the names. but..their faces still fresh [as dew] in our mind...wut an impossible to achieve our intention&aim without them...thankz a lot teachers...u had shone&lit our way...we cant deliver our thankz & appreciation poeticaly..instead of sincerely...we do love u 4eve...n do pray 4 us...may ur pray[s] accompany our way...
the faces that we miss...[some miss this picca slot]

as a sign of appreciation...we represent this video...special 4 our beloved teachers...bukan buat senirik pun...tapi..even so, we represented it sincerely, from our heart..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

hepy belated beday tesmal!!!

hi....wa...windu kkwn....reali miss them...also thinking of skool...sbut sal skool...hepi bufday tesmal....hope that tesmal dapat lahirkan warga yang gemilang terbilang...buat cikgu2...& pihak pentadbir...semoga tegar sokmo ye...melayan kerenah student2...yang bermacam ragam...do keep intouch fwenz...the memories are ours...nobody cant take them away from us...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

MISS these, our memories

uh akhirnyer..

Assalamualaikum n hye.. alhamdulillah, akhirnyer setelah sekian lama berfikir dan berfikir, i got an idea what i want to do.. biarpun laptop yg ku pakai ini tidak mempunyai adobe utk edit gambar2 kenangan WE, namun ku bersyukur tetap boleh ku edit dgn menggunakan PAINT-biarpun kualitinye kureng skit,huhuhu.. huh, at least i made it..

Friday, February 20, 2009

we, zaimANAbila

assalamualaikum....such thing is create as we are far apart rite now...we need a medium which we can tell, & share too bout our routine...ana in kerteh..zaima in kampung baru, also in kerteh..biela..hakhak..jauh tercampak di kuantan...zaima., nabila & farhana...sumernyer berbeza character...but forsure all of us are cheerful young ladies...wif 1 heart..1 spirit, 1 mind..[ciplak motto button tesmal]..hopefully, this creating make us alwis stick together gether...
OUT OF TOPIC: everybody out there! this is life speaking..you have no idea what ur r doing..do you??even the school become to the end at last, the real friendship jus begin...as we far apart..are we still contact our frens...
FrIeNdShIp, is..even mile away..still deep down inside..in our heart.bcoz..though mile may lie between us, we are never mile apart, for friendship doesnt count miles, its measured by the heart..that wut friendship is..
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